Kaneka OLED lighting panels adopted at “Admired from Afar: Masterworks of Japanese Painting from the Cleveland Museum of Art”

120 OLED lighting panels used to light God of Thunder “Inen” seal exhibit

January 20, 2014
OLED lightnig panels manufactured and sold by Kaneka Corporation (Osaka, Japan; President: Kimikazu Sugawara) have been adopted as the lighting for the main God of Thunder “Inen” seal exhibit that will be part of the “Admired from Afar: Masterworks of Japanese Painting from the Cleveland Museum of Art” event held at the Tokyo National Museum from January 15 to February 23, 2014. One hundred twenty white OLED lighting panels will shine light on the exhibit from outside the glass case.

The reasons KanekaOLED lighting panels were selected are threefold. First, the panels are thin, lightweight and do not generate excessive heat, so they can be installed in such a way as to create harmony with the exhibit and exhibit space. Second, the surface generates light to provide gentle overall lighting, so the panels do not cast dark shadows. Lastly, it allows the whole work of art to be lit up with light resembling that of the environment in which it was made, producing more realistic colors and depth.

By lighting the piece with OLED lighting panels, the god of thunder himself stands out, and the gold and black in the background emerge as swirling watery clouds, allowing the piece to appear even more attractive to visitors.

Kaneka will actively expand its OLED lighting panels to the field of lighting for Japanese paintings, foreign paintings and other works of art and explore new uses. At the same time, the company will develop a solid presence in the OLED lighting market, which is entering the creation stage around the world, in aims of further business expansion.