Returns to Shareholders

Shareholder Return Policy

Kaneka’s management places a high priority on strengthening its financial base while increasing its earning capability and returning profits to shareholders. In returning profits, Kaneka’s basic policy is to give overall consideration to its business performance each fiscal year, medium- to long-term earning trends, investment plans, financial position, and other factors, and to continue stable profit returns with a benchmark consolidated dividend payout ratio of 30% as well as flexible repurchase of treasury shares depending on situation.

The basic policy is to pay dividends from surplus twice a year, as an interim dividend and a year-end dividend. In accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act Article 459 paragraph 1, the Articles of Incorporation state that dividends from surplus may be conducted by resolution of the Board of Directors.

Kaneka’s internal reserves are used to ensure financial stability while responding to the dramatically changing economic situation and taking action to realize sustainable growth.

Shareholder Return Performance

Regarding shareholder returns for the fiscal year ended March 2024, Kaneka has decided to pay an annual dividend of ¥110 per share, taking overall account of its performance trend, dividend payout ratio, and other factors. As we have already paid an interim dividend of ¥55 per share, the year-end dividend will therefore be ¥55 per share.
With regard to repurchase of treasury shares, Kaneka has repurchased 762,000 shares for ¥2,799 million in the stock market in the current fiscal year.

Going forward, Kaneka will continue striving to enhance shareholder value, while aiming to further strengthen shareholder returns by considering increases in dividends as well as repurchase and cancellation of treasury shares to implement a flexible capital policy in response to changes in the operating environment.

Trends in per-share dividend

Acquisition of Treasury Shares / Cancellation of Treasury Shares

Acquisition record

Number of stocks acquired*2 Acquisition amount
The 100th Term(ended March 2024)
762,300 share
2,799,726,100 Yen
The 99th Term(ended March 2023)
2,300,000 share
8,042,206,482 Yen
The 98th Term(ended March 2022) - share - Yen
The 97th Term(ended March 2021) - share - Yen
The 96th Term(ended March 2020) - share - Yen
The 95th Term(ended March 2019)
(Feb. 12, 2019-Mar. 19, 2019)
400,000 share
1,740,776,488 Yen
The 94th Term(ended March 2018)
(Apr. 3, 2017-Aug. 31, 2017)
3,000,000 share
2,560,659,000 Yen
The 93th Term(ended March 2017)
(Mar. 9, 2017-Mar. 21, 2017)
2,000,000 share
1,802,860,001 Yen
The 92th Term(ended March 2016)
(Apr. 1, 2015-Aug. 31, 2015)
1,964,000 share
1,804,905,000 Yen
The 91th Term(ended March 2015)
(Feb. 10, 2015-Mar. 24, 2015)
2,000,000 share
1,594,299,000 Yen

*1 The Company conducted a consolidation of shares of common stock at the ratio of five shares to one share on October 1, 2018.

*2 Figures in parentheses indicated the ratio of the number of acquired shares to the total number of issued shares at each time.

Cancellation record

Date of cancellation Number of canceled shares Ratio to the number of issued shares before cancellation
Mar. 29, 2024 2,000,000 share 2.9%
Mar. 29, 2019 2,000,000 share 2.9%

* It is listed only after the fiscal year ended March 2015.